All graduates are invited to attend a Graduation Pre-Party event prior to graduation. Food, games and a photo booth will be available, and you will pick up your graduation caps & gowns at this event.
The Spring 2025 Graduation Pre-Party will be held on Wednesday, May 7 in the Student Center from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. meet with Financial Aid, Registrar, pick up Cap and Gown, complete grad survey, and rehearsal. Free lunch included!
Graduates and guests should arrive one hour before the ceremony begins. Each graduate can invite up to five guests to attend their ceremony.
Members of Phi Theta Kappa can earn their graduation stole through their chapter or purchase one at
The deadline to order caps and gowns for Spring 2025 graduates is February 28, 2025.
Obtain your cap and gown, available in a variety of sizes, at no charge to graduates. Caps and gowns must be ordered through Select "College Gown Selection" on the left side of the page, then select "Hocking College Cap and Gown Order Form" on the right side or visit the Hocking College Order Form directly.
Cap & Gown Pick up will occur at the Graduation Pre-Party Event. If you are unable to attend this event, contact the Hocking College Career and University Center, John Light Hall, Room 193. Your college account must have a zero balance in order to pick up your cap and gown.
Who is eligible to walk at the Commencement ceremony?
Students who apply for graduation may walk in the ceremony for the term in which they have had that application approved.
For example: Autumn applicants, who have completed all degree requirements, will walk in the Autumn graduation ceremony.
How do I get a cap and gown?
Students are required to order a cap and gown via the online form. The order form will be available after the application deadline each term. The cap and gown is free for students graduating.
What color is the Cap and Gown for Graduation?
Every graduate will wear a black cap and gown. The tassel is blue and gold.
Graduation is the process of receiving your diploma and having your degree awarded to you. You must apply for graduation even if you do not plan on attending the Commencement ceremony. An application is necessary to verify that you have completed all the requirements before a degree/certificate is awarded. The application is free, and must be approved by your school dean/faculty and the Registrar's Office.
Before the end of the term, you must:
You will receive a letter letting you know that your application was denied. You will then need to work with your Academic Advisor to determine your next steps. Applications are valid for the original graduation term indicated only. If you are denied, you must reapply for the following term.
You must complete the class before you are allowed to graduate. If you apply prior to completing the coursework, your application will be denied. Once the course is completed, you will then need to reapply for the term in which graduation applications are currently being accepted.
Hocking College now offers commencement ceremonies each term. If you still have courses to complete for summer, you are welcomed to participate in our Summer Commencement Ceremony. Students will participate in the ceremony in which they applied for graduation.
As soon as you know you will meet the requirements, APPLY! It is recommended that students apply during priority registration for their last term. Students will only be allowed to apply for the term applications are being accepted. We recommend working with your Academic Advisor, they can be a help in this process. (Example: Sue finished all of her classes at the end of 2015 Summer term but did not apply for graduation until September 18, 2015; therefore, her application will not be evaluated until the 2015 Autumn term is completed.)
A preliminary evaluation will be completed prior to the end of the term.
Students will receive a denial letter if your application is denied or a preliminary approval letter if you are on track to finish. Any student who receives a denial letter must work with their academic advisor to discuss the reasons.
Preliminarily approval of a degree means that at the time of review, the students will meet all required courses by the end of the term. Students must complete all requirements satisfactory.
Submit an Application for Graduation by the deadline listed below. Currently enrolled students must complete the Graduation application through their Self-Service account.
Students who are not currently enrolled must contact the Records Office:
All applications received on or before the deadline will be processed for the current term. All applications received after the deadline will be processed the following term. Hocking College will only process graduates once a term.
(Example: Sue finished all of her classes at the end of the 2015 Summer term but did not apply for graduation until September 18, 2015; therefore, her application will not be evaluated until the 2015 Autumn term is completed.)
Yes, you will receive a separate diploma for each degree.
To receive an Honors degree, you must graduate with a 3.5 GPA or higher.
You must contact the Registrar's Office:
Requests must be made in writing and should include:
Submit Requests To:
Hocking College
Attn: Registrar's Office - Diploma Requests
3301 Hocking Parkway
Nelsonville, OH 45764
Hours of Operations:
8 AM - 5 PM | Monday - Friday
3301 Hocking Pkwy.
Nelsonville, Ohio 45764